Office of Program Support

The Fisheries and Wildlife Program Support Section provides a wide array of essential services that benefits Maine's fish and wildlife through environmental review, habitat outreach, land and habitat grants, data management, and public outreach.

The Habitat Outreach Program works to identify and provide information on wildlife and fisheries resources through voluntary outreach to municipalities, landowners, resource managers, conservation groups, developers, and others. The Beginning With Habitat program is one tool to help communities balance future development with conservation.

Working with the Outdoor Heritage Fund, the Land for Maine's Future fund, and other grant programs, staff works with private landowners, land trusts, and conservation partners to provide technical assistance, landowner incentives, and acquire land to benefit Maine's fish and wildlife. 

The section also reviews environmental permit applications to assess potential effects on Maine's fish and wildlife resources. Often staff will work with those applying to recommend strategies to avoid or minimize impacts on Maine's fish and wildlife, and their habitats.

Public outreach focuses on highlighting the work of resource management, and increasing the recognition and understanding of the agency and its work through traditional, digital and social media forms.

The section also works with game registration stations, fur tagging agents and others concerning species harvest, biological data entry and collection, hunter surveys, and the moose and deer permit lotteries.