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UPDATE on Business Consumer Protection
Spring 2000 

This updates the section “Are There Any Business Protections?” of the PUC Small Business Power Guide.

 The Maine Legislature recently revised the consumer protections that apply to business customers under electric competition.  Some protections that originally applied to both small and some medium-sized commercial customers now apply only to small commercial customers.

 In summary, the Legislature removed the distinction that is noted in the brochure between medium commercial consumers above and below a demand of 100kw.  Under the revised law, all medium nonresidential consumers have the same protections, as noted on this sheet.

 If you are not sure whether your business is a small or medium-sized commercial customer, check with your local distribution utility.  The demand threshold between small and medium-sized commercial customers differs by distribution utility service territory.

The following consumer protections changed:

Right of Rescission

This protection is now available only to small commercial and residential customers.

Terms of Service

This protection is now available only to small commercial and residential customers.

Uniform Disclosure

The Uniform Information Disclosure Label must now be sent to medium and large nonresidential consumers once per year, and is also available from competitive suppliers on request.  The label is sent to residential and small commercial consumers as noted in the brochure.