Catalog of Educational Videos Titles V-Z

Vanished Vikings

2 programs - 15 min. each; 7-12; Anthropology, Archaeology, Foreign Countries; Distributed by: Journal Films (1982)

In 986 A.D. Erik the Red and his Viking followers left Iceland and established settlements on Greenland. The settlements were continuously occupied for 500 years, then suddenly they ceased to exist. What happened?

1) Erik the Red 2) Where Did They Go?

Views of the Earth

20 min.; 7-12; Geology; Produced by: Chevron USA (1992)

This program, on the creation and formation of the Earth, will stimulate awareness of the Earth through the concepts of continental drift, magnetic fields, carbon dating, plate tectonics and more. It also shows some of the scientists who have contributed to our understanding of the Earth.

Wabanaki: A New Dawn

30 min.; 4-12; Anthropology, Maine Studies, Native Americans; Distributed by: Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission (1996)

The Wabanaki, the People of the Dawn Land, have lived in what is now Maine and Maritime Canada for more than 11,000 years. It was not until the early 1600s that Europeans came to live in the territory inhabited by an estimated 32,000 Wabanaki. This contact was disastrous. From 1616 to 1619, ninety percent of the Wabanaki died. Wabanaki: A New Dawn shows the quest for cultural survival by today's Wabanaki--the Maliseet, Micmac, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot People. The voices in the video offer hope that the Wabanaki will use their cultural and spiritual inheritance to survive and thrive in the third millennium.

Warden Search & Rescue

25 min.; 4-12; Maine Studies, Safety; Produced by: Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (1994)

Maine Game Wardens are trained to coordinate effective search and rescue operations, and use the expert assistance of Maine's volunteer core of over 500 trained search and rescue personnel. Shows how a search is coordinated and how wardens and trained volunteers risk their lives to find a lost or injured child, berry-picker, boater, or cross-country skier.

Washington County: A Question of Survival

60 min.; 9-12; Maine Studies, Social Studies; Produced by: Margaret Kenda (1976)

Examines patterns of life and work during one winter in Downeast Maine. Washington County people speak out on their unique sense of place and the survival of their traditions.

Waterfowl for the Future

20 min.; 4-12; Fisheries & Wildlife; Produced by: US Fish & Wildlife Service (1990)

A good introduction to Wetlands in Crisis and The Status of Ducks, 1989, it focuses on the importance of wetlands to waterfowl and migration.

Wealth in Wetlands

23 min.; 4-12; Environment, Social Studies; Produced by: National Association of Conservation Districts (1992)

Interviews with five farmers who believe there is a place for wetlands on their farms. Each explains personal convictions on the value of wetlands, in terms of both the farming operation and personal satisfaction. Also includes a brief overview of wetlands losses and restoration methods.

Wetlands for the Future

20 min.; 4-12; Environment, Maine Studies, Social Studies; Produced by: US Fish & Wildlife Service (1991)

An update on the status of wetlands in the United States in 1990-1991 with Lower Great Lakes and Atlantic Coast Joint Ventures. Reviews the function and value of wetlands in this country. Current programs to preserve and protect wetlands are looked at in depth. A few Maine programs and people are also included.

Wetlands in Crisis

20 min.; 4-12; Environment, Science, Social Studies; Produced by: US Fish & Wildlife Service (1990)

An overview of wetlands; their functions, value, and ongoing loss in this country with remarks by U.S. Secretary of the Interior Manuel Lujan on current legislation to protect wetlands.

Wetlands, We Need Them

20 min.; 4-12; Environment, Maine Studies; Produced by: Ursus Productions (1999)

Wetlands are habitat for a great many forms of wildlife. Food chains, life cycles, seasonal changes, different types of wetlands and wildlife vs. human needs are all portrayed in this well filmed production. (Includes the introduction: Your Stewards of Maine's Fish and Wildlife)

What About Lindsay?

60 min.; 9-12; Current Issues, Health, Human Rights, Maine Studies; Produced by: MPBN (1998)

This documentary features Maine citizens with developmental disabilities living successfully in their communities. It focuses on their daily routines, including finding work, paying bills, making friends, finding someone to love, feeling a sense of community, and having a home.

What Do You Say?

30 min.; 6-8; Alcohol & Drug Education, Communication, Guidance, Health, Self-Awareness; Produced by: Maine Association of Broadcasters (1998)

This program is aimed at helping parents of middle-school-aged children talk honestly and openly with one another about alcohol. Program segments include "role-playing" conversations between adults and adolescents and round-table discussions of typical situations involving alcohol that call for parental reaction.

What Is...?

2 programs - 30 min. each; 5-12; Economics, Social Studies; Produced by: Chevron USA Inc. (1985)

It explores fundamental concepts of various academic areas and provides objective criteria which enable the students to become critical thinkers about each of these disciplines.

1) What Is History? 2) What Is Economics?

What's a Deer Yard?

24 min.; 4-12; Fisheries & Wildlife, Maine Studies; Produced by: Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (1993)

Shows why deer yards are important and how the Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife manages and protects them.

Windows on Mars

60 min.; K-12; Space; National Arts, Sciences & Technology Initiative (2000)

Windows On Mars is a first-of-its-kind video about the relationships of the arts and sciences as they apply to NASA's plans to establish a habitat on Mars in 2030. It provides teachers, students and others in both formal and informal learning environments with insights and thought-provoking questions and ideas for participation in the Mars Millennium Project. The video is specifically designed to enhance use of the Project Activity Guide, which has been provided in hard copy to more than 100,000 teachers and schools and electronically to a growing number of visitors to the Mars Millennium Project Web site,

Wood Ducks in Maine

25 min.; 4-12; Fisheries & Wildlife, Maine Studies; Produced by: Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (1997)

Wood ducks are arguably the most beautiful of the waterfowl that breed in Maine. Learn the life history of wood ducks and how the Dept of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife manages proper habitat to encourage wood duck breeding and nesting. Lots of footage of wood ducks in all stages of their stay in Maine.

Words Count with Mark Brown

60 min.; K-12; Communication, Current Issues, Guidance, Human Rights; Produced by: MPBN (2000)

Recorded before a live audience at Brunswick High School's Crooker Theater, Words Count with Mark Brown addresses the issues of tolerance, diversity, name calling, teamwork and relationship building.

Workplace Essential Skills

24 - 30 min. programs; 9-12; Career/Vocational Education, Communication, Guidance, Language Arts, Mathematics; PBS Adult Learning Service

Workplace Essential Skills is an extraordinary instructional package that teaches how to find, keep and thrive in the job. Use it in classes, workshops, training, outreach or even distance education programs. This is designed for pre-GED (sixth to eightth grade reading level) adult learners. It develops job search, reading, writing, math, and communication skills.

  1. Orientation: Making it Work
  2. Planning to Work
  3. Matching Skills and Jobs
  4. Applying for Jobs
  5. Resumes, Tests, and Choices
  6. Interviewing
  7. Ready for Work
  8. Workplace Safety
  9. Learning at Work
  10. The Language of Work
  11. Communicating with Co-workers and Supervisors
  12. Working Together
  13. Communicating with Customers
  14. A Process for Writing
  15. Supplying Information: Directions, Forms, and Charts
  16. Writing Memos and Letters
  17. Reading for a Purpose
  18. Finding What You Need: Forms and Charts
  19. Following Directions
  20. Reading Reports and Manuals
  21. Solving Problems
  22. Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
  23. Measurements and Formulas
  24. Trends and Predictions: Graphs and Data

Yankee Independence: Solar Electricity on a Maine Island

30 min.; 7-12; Energy Use & Conservation, Maine Studies; Produced by: Dickson, Kent & Scott (1984)

Filmed on historic Monhegan Island (a community that has 14 solar powered homes and the only photovoltaic powered post office in the USA), the program focuses on small independent solar systems.

You Be the Judge

30 min.; 9-12; Criminal Justice, Maine Studies; Produced by: Maine Public Broadcasting (1975)

The program is designed to involve the viewer as a participant in an active mode by presenting a decision which requires the viewer to at least differentiate between two alternatives. At the end of the program, the judge in the case pronounces his sentences and explains them to the defendants and viewers.

Your Stewards of Maine's Fish & Wildlife

12.5 min.; 4-12; Career Education, Enviroment, Maine Studies; Produced by: Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife (1999)

This fast moving video takes viewers through a variety of Department activities that focus on the 'hows and whys' of Maine's fisheries and wildlife management. Wildlife biologists, game wardens, fishery, hatchery and other staff are featured doing their jobs for and with fish and wildlife throughout the woods and waters of the state.

Your Teen and Alcohol: Do You Really Know?

26 min.; 9-12; Alcohol & Drug Education; Current Issues; WSCH and Maine Office of Substance Abuse (2003)

This video features maine teens, parents and alcohol prevention experts. All kids don't drink, but two-thirds of maine's teens report having tried alcohol. In fact, one in five Maine teens said that they had participated in excessive drinking (five or more drinks in a row) during the two weeks prior to the most recent statewide survey. Most teens believe their parents will never find out -- and they may be right. Four out of five maine parents surveyed believe their teen hasn't tried alcohol.

Youth Voices

30 min.; 9-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Current Issues, Guidance; Produced by: MPBN (2000)

Throughout this past school year, Maine PBS producers have worked with young people from across Maine as they have proactively addressed alcohol use in their communities. We are proud to share the stories of these groups and to help demonstrate the positive impact the young people of our state are having on all of us. Support for this program has been provided by the Maine Office of Substance Abuse of the Maine Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services in cooperation with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Youth Voices II

30 min.; 9-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Current Issues, Guidance; MPBN, Lewiston, ME (2001)

For the second consecutive year, Maine PBS is offering a program that explores issues of alcohol use through the eyes of Maine's young people. For the 2001 season, young people from the communities of Ashland, Rangeley, New Surry and Cumberland County, ages 10 to 17, have produced mini-documentaries focusing on issues surrounding alcohol in Maine.

Youth Voices III & IV

30 min.; 9-12; Alcohol & Drug Education, Current Issues, Guidance; MPBN, Lewiston, ME (2002)

Building on the success and momentum of a multi-year collaboration with Maine Office of Substance Abuse, for the third consecutive year Maine PBS will work with young people from across the state to help them produce their own television productions about alcohol use. This year, young people from the communities of Portland, Oxford Hills, Harrington and Danforth Maine are producing Public Service Announcements with the goal of reaching adults and parents to make them aware of the many issues surrounding underage drinking.